" Your contribution and support can change the lives of children and individuals with intellectual disabilities. "
Our Response to COVID-19
To create awareness among the community partners and especially the physically challenged persons on health and sanitation procedure to be followed during the COVID-19 pandemic, our dedicated volunteers visited approximately 1500 households and sensitize the people about the precautionary measures to be followed to remain safe from COVID19. The community peoples were advised to wear masks, sanitizing hands with soap and water frequently, maintaining social distance, avoiding crowdy places and staying at home to be safe from the diseases .Latter the volunteers with health department staffs advised the people to take COID vaccine supplied by the Govt. Apart from this, total 1476 dry ration kits containing dry rations and sanitary items have been provided to poor and vulnerable families, physically challenged families, senior citizens, women headed families etc. to meet their minimum basic needs during the pandemic period and imposed time to time lock downs and shut downs. Goonj, New Delhi has also provided vegetable seed support to 90 farmers of 3 villages for strengthening their livelihoods.